When we talk about business coaching, we are obviously referring to the coaching process that takes place within the company. But what is coaching really? What benefits does it bring to the company? In this post, we will answer those questions.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a methodology in which there are two parts:
- The Coach. He is the person who directs the process, the dialogue, the questions…
- The coachee. It is the person who receives the coaching sessions. It can be one person or more, depending on whether it is individual coaching or team coaching, as we will see later.
Now, what exactly does a business strategy coaching in new jersey session consist of? In it, the coach asks the coachee or coaches a series of questions in order to help them find answers to the target questions. Some examples of these questions may be:
- How can I reach my goals?
- How can I feel more motivated?
- How can i solve this problem?
Of course, in business, these questions will be directed towards this field more than towards the personal field. However, on many occasions the personal and the professional are intertwined, so the coach will have to know how to move between the two areas.
Therefore, the coach structures the session to ask the coachee(s) the appropriate questions that will lead them to the answer to their questions. In other words: the basis of coaching lies in the fact that the answers are found in the coachees and the job of the coach is to help them find them. That is its difference with respect to training, in which the coach transmits knowledge, recommendations, advice, etc. In coaching, the coach can only ask questions.
Types of business coaching
Now that we are clear about the essential functioning of coaching. Let’s see the types that we can apply directly in the company and how they affect the generation of benefits :
- Motivational coaching. Its main objective is to awaken motivation in the members of the company so that, through it, they can be more productive and efficient. It is aimed at helping people acquire and develop positive and optimistic thinking and thus make it easier for them to achieve their goals. This, without a doubt, affects the generation of benefits. Since unmotivated employees will perform much less and will have a worse attitude towards problem-solving. Without a positive attitude, it will be difficult for them to achieve the objectives that the company requires of them.
- Transformational coaching. Its main objective is to change the perspective, the point of view, and/or the attitude of the coachees to align them more with the business objectives. It is closely linked to motivational coaching, since, by changing perspective, unmotivated people can trigger. Their motivation thanks to the change of focus through values, beliefs, and thoughts. Working on attitudes, ways of being, or actions, and achieving results aligned with the objective.
- Executive coaching. Mainly aimed at the upper rungs of the business organization chart. The coach must have experience in these steps to be able to put himself in the place of the coachees. It can be applied in a motivational or transformational way, but either way, its final objective will always be aligned with the generation of benefits for the company, freeing the talent of the coachee and maximizing the effectiveness of their activities.
- Team coaching. Aimed at work teams with the aim of uniting them and getting them to work together more effectively and efficiently. This has a positive impact on the generation of benefits for the company since the results achieved in it depend directly on the interaction between its members. Like executive coaching, it can also be applied in a motivational or transformational way, of course. It can be done at any level of the business organization chart, including the upper rungs. In this way, they become aware of the type of interrelationships that exist between the members of the team, how to improve their results, existing toxicity, or health… This helps to make decisions.
As we have just seen, business coaching is a methodology. If carried out correctly, can help the company generate more profits. The most important thing is to remember at all times that coaching does not provide solutions. But that the solutions are found in the coaches, the people who experience the process. If what we want is to transmit knowledge or advice, then we do not need a coach, but a trainer or a trainer.