Process Definition:
The grey fabric examination is the procedure of identifying weave faults within the fabric after the grey. Fabric production on the weaving.
- Inspection table
- Fabric inspection machine(Nazer L 90P Pakistan)
Key Accessories
Nipper, Pointer, Cutter, Comb etc.
Security measures:
- Smoking in the inspection areas is strictly forbidden.
- Fire extinguishers can be found in the area of inspection and are taught to use them.
- The fabric stacks are not placed on top of the electric panels.
The procedure for inspection
The staff of Operation:
Cloth doffer, cloth mender, inspector
Set up of the machine:
Machine setup Parameter range to set value
1.) Roller speed of 100-1500 rev/hour. 590-600 rev/hour.
2) Light N/A Artificial light
3.) Measurement of length using meter N/A. It is attached to the machine.
Check the list of checks before the inspection
- 1 . Machine parameters are defined
- Manpower is available
- All tools and accessories are made accessible
- The fabric is ready to be inspected.
- When the fabric is at its “set length” on the loom, the fabric is cut, and the role of cloth is Doffed off the weaving.
- The cloth roll could be cut and offered off before the predetermined length depending on the length it will be needed.
- As per the established rule, “cloth doffer “cloth doffer” cuts and doffs the cloth rolls, records the length of the doff in the loom quality/doffing paper and also puts in a doffing sticker over the roll of cloth to the identification.
- It is rolled on the table for inspection. it is visually examined yard-to-yard (100 per cent) against light and then repaired or repaired for any lesser degree of damage, such as protruding or projecting yarn, yarnnaps or projecting yarn, cracks, slubs oil stains, floats that aren’t repairable and the cause is the problem It is determined by placing yarn tails or laces into the selvedge zone.
- The repaired fabric is examined by it the grey fabric inspector against the light with a preset rate (m/min).
On the table for inspection, the operator identifies faults within the fabric and analyzes their severity using visual
inspection. A few of the most frequent weaving problems include:
- Stop-mark
- Pick errors, e.g.-miss pick, double pick.
- Wrong density /drawing
- Pattern or design break
- Selvedge imperfections, e.g.-lashing in, cut selvedge.
- Oil stain.
- Crack and hole
- Missing ends
- Slubs.
According to the standard, which is designed and approved by the Q.C. department of BTL The intensity of certain most important and Common weaving faults are identified by the marks (Numerical value ) that range from 1 to 6,6 as the most prominent points for each defect. The defect that is discovered and the points awarded against them are listed in the grey inspection sheet for fabric for solid dyed fabric, and yarn-dyed fabric inspection sheets for Fabric dyed with yarn. The length of the fabric, its sort number, yarn lot number, etc. are also recorded. down to the tail at the end of each piece of fabric. Other than these two forms another one is made of grey fabric. The daily inspection sheet is complete to keep a record of the total grey fabric inspected during shifts over a single day. In the lower part of this sheet, the total amount of rejections is listed. All data entered on These forms are made by various types of construction, quality and design.
Fabric acceptance:
- Any fabric with a score of 36 points of faults per linear meter is permitted to can be classified as a fabric of ‘A’ grade. 36-50 is the standard range for ‘B’-grade fabric.
- Any piece that has over 50 points will be graded “C” and is rejected.
- A minimum of 20 meters A grade fabric is permitted to be passed along with other long-length pieces. Pieces smaller than 20 meters is measured as cut pieces less than 20 meters.
Rejection of fabric
Any part of the fabric that has
- An objectionable (too often) is the presence of weave faults like stop/start mark or pick faults.
- Grease or oil spots.
- Cracks/holes, floats, warp-end misses, and more. are separated into pieces, and then is recorded as rejected.
Anything that has more than 50 will be graded “C” and is also rejected.
Q.C. Test sample:
Q.C Department of BTL oversees all tests and record systems.
Response to weaving defects:
In response to any weaving defects or rejection, the cloth inspector makes contact with the head responsible for the weaving department, as well as his report on immediate corrective actions.
Responding to equipment failures:
Failures in Response
1.) Pin failures
2.) Disturbance in the roller tape
3.) Disturbance in the motor belt
4.) A failure in the digital monitor
5) Fuse malfunction
6) Any electrical disturbance.
To inform maintenance, Mechanical
Cleaning the machine area:
The inspection area is cleaned two times a day by the volunteers.
The grey fabrics that are scrutinized are separated by lot, sort/quality or the type of construction. and store; after receiving the production form physically checks the fabric. Learn more