Pranayama Boost your immune system naturally
Pranayama is a practice that increases oxygen in the blood, lowers stress levels, and combats anxiety. All of these factors boost the immune system.
India has a rich tradition of breathing exercises. These are part of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. It comprises eight stages or limbs: Yama. niyama. asana. pranayama. dharana. dhyana. samadhi. Pranayama focuses on the breath. Prana is the breath, air, and the very essence of life. It is the energy that permeates the universe at all levels, including physical, mental, and intellectual. This energy creates, protects, and destroys. It is all about power, vitality (vitality), life, spirit, and vigor). Ayama is to control, regulate, and stretch. Pranayama is a combination of control and prolongation or breath. It’s about finding a balance between the vital and physical energies and purifying the nervous system. Pranayama practice increases oxygen in the blood, lowers stress levels, and reduces anxiety. All of these benefits boost the immune system.
This is the thin skeletal muscle that runs underneath our hearts and lungs. It separates the abdominal cavity from them. This is the process where our lower belly expands as we breathe in and contracts as we exhale. This helps strengthen our digestive system.
Pranayama is a great way to boost your immune system and help you manage your anxieties. It regulates the rate of your breathing and slows it down
How does yoga help Boost immunity?
Yoga reduces stress hormones and improves your immune system. Yoga can calm the nervous system, condition the respiratory tract, and stimulate the lymphatic system
1. Trikonasana (Triangle pose) helps Boost immunity
This pose is known to increase your core, shoulders, and hips. It can also help you feel more relaxed.
Duration: Hold the pose in place for 30 seconds. Deep breaths: Take five to ten deep inhalations. Repeat this 3 times for each leg.
Triangle pose benefits: It releases tension from your shoulders, reduces anxiety and stress, and improves blood circulation, concentration, and balance. This pose is known to boost immunity.
2. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
Because it is lower than your heart, this is a powerful pose that allows oxygen to reach your brain. This will leave your cells energized.
Duration Hold the pose for between 15-30 seconds, then take deep inhales.
The benefits of forward fold: Clears congestion in the sinuses and boosts immunity. Reduces stress and anxiety. Keeps you calm.
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) helps Boost immunity
Suryanamaskar (sun salutation) includes this pose. This pose opens your lungs and strengthens your spine. It also increases your energy.
Duration Keep the pose for between 15-30 seconds and then breathe normally.
Corbra pose has many benefits: It relieves stress, and fatigue, and elevates your mood. It can also help with breathing difficulties and asthma.
4. Shishuasana Boost immunity (Child Pose)
After you’ve completed the three previous poses, this pose will allow you to relax. This pose is not required to be done in the morning. You can do it whenever you feel like you need a break from a stressful day.
Duration Hold for 1 – 3 minutes
The benefits of child pose: Helps you sleep soundly, reduces pain in your back, relaxes the whole body, and stimulates the lymphatic system to boost your immune system.
5. Matsyasana Boost immunity (Fish pose)
This pose stimulates the thyroid gland, which in turn helps boost immunity. Matsyasana can also eliminate toxins from your digestive tract.
Hold the pose for between 30-60 seconds. Breathe normally.
Fish pose has many benefits. Reduces anxiety and fatigue. Reduces respiratory problems, back pain, and tension in the neck and shoulders.
6. Viparita Karani (Legs up to the wall)
Although it is a simple pose, you can’t imagine any yoga sequence that would boost your immune system without this. It helps you relax your nervous system and strengthens your immunity.
Duration Hold the pose for five minutes and then increase the time with practice.
The benefits of the legs up the wall pose are: Reduces stress, headaches, migraines, anxiety, menstrual cramps, and anxiety. It can also be used to treat fertility issues.
7. Anand Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)
This can make your yoga session more fun. This is a great way to relax your body and calm your mind.
Hold the pose for between 30-60 seconds. Breathe normally.
The benefits of the happy baby pose: It releases tension from your lower back and increases vitality. It also reduces stress, fatigue, and mood elevation. These poses can do wonders for your immunity.
8. Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose).
Roll onto your right foot and shift your weight to your right. Extend your left arm along your left ear. Arch your side and lift your left hip. Breathe into your left side ribs. Continue to do the same on the second side as in pose 8. If you are looking to bring a change into your life by learning yoga in Rishikesh for self-rejuvenation or transfer the benefits to others, by getting a professional certificate and expertise 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India- Apply Now
5 Health Tips You Should Follow Even During a Busy Day:
- Meditate
- Take your time and eat right away
- Get enough sleep
- Get enough water
- Add green veggies to your diet
As life swings back to the new normal after the lockdown has lifted, we are faced with newer challenges.
Yoga can help you to live a more healthy lifestyle. However, yoga cannot replace medication or treatment. This is a preventative measure that you can take in order to stay safe from the COVID-19 epidemic. Your health insurance can also help you stay safe. It covers your hospitalization in the event of a pandemic and pays for your Siddha, Ayurveda Yoga, and Naturopathy (Unani, Siddha), treatment.